Satta Matka Pana Even Odd Chart - Dpbossonline
Satta Matka Pana /Panna Even Odd Chart
O - ODD PANA (1, 3, 5, 7) E - EVEN PANA (0, 2, 4,6,8) |
236, 470, 290, 678 |
460, 226, 244, 280, 668, 488 |
245, 489, 669, 227 |
EOO PANA | 479, 235, 299, 677 |
OOE PANA | 136, 578, 118, 334, 370, 190, 550 |
OEE PANA | 128, 146, 380, 560, 588, 100, 344 |
OEO PANA | 127, 145, 389, 569 |
OOO PANA | 137, 579, 155, 399, 119, 335 |
What is Even Odd Pana in the dpboss online satta matka online?
Panas can be classified into eight groups based on their odd and even structure.
The EEE Pana Group - It has three patties and all three digits are even. These digits when added, the last digit comes as an even number. It is formed with even numbers between 0 and 9
- The EEO Pana Group - It has three patties and the first two digits are even, and the third one is odd. The last digit of these numbers is an odd integer, formed with odd numbers between 0 and 9.
- The EOE Pana Group - It has three patties and the first and the last digit are even, and the middle number is odd. The last figure of this group is an even figure. It is formed with odd integers between 0 and 9.
- The EOO Pana Group - It has three patties and the first digit is even, and the last two digits are odd. The last digit of this group is an odd integer. It is formed with even numbers between 0 and 9.
- The OEE Pana Group - It has three patties in which the first digit is odd, and the last two digits are even. The last figure of this group is an even figure. It is created with odd integers between 0 and 9
- The OEO Pana Group - It has three patties and the first and last digits are odd, and the middle digit is even. The last digit of this group is an odd integer. It is formed with even numbers between 0 and 9.
- The OOE Pana Group - It has three patties in which the first two digits are odd, and the last one is even. The last figure of this group is an even figure. It is created with even integers between 0 and 9.
- OOO Pana Group - It has three patties and all the three digits are odd. The last digit of this group is an odd integer. It is formed with odd numbers between 0 and 9.